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Harnessing The Power Of The Atom Unlocking Nuclear Energy

Harnessing the Power of the Atom: Unlocking Nuclear Energy

What is Nuclear Energy?

Nuclear energy, harnessed from the very core of atoms, holds immense power. It is the energy released when the nucleus, composed of protons and neutrons, undergoes changes.

Types of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy can be classified into two primary types:

  • Nuclear Fission: Splitting apart heavy atoms, such as uranium, to release energy.
  • Nuclear Fusion: Combining light atoms, such as deuterium and tritium, to release energy.
  • Applications of Nuclear Energy

    Nuclear energy has found widespread applications, most notably in the generation of electricity. Nuclear power plants utilize nuclear fission to heat water, producing steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.

    Global Production and Usage

    The United States leads the world in nuclear energy production, with nuclear power providing approximately 20% of its electricity consumption. France, on the other hand, stands out for its high reliance on nuclear energy, which accounts for over 70% of its electricity needs.
